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Bangladesh: Where to swim in Southeast Asia (July/August) without Jellyfish!? Where to swim in Southeast Asia (July/August) without Jellyfish!? - Bangladesh

Where to swim in Southeast Asia (July/August) without Jellyfish!?

I (28M) am planning my first longish solo trip and will be traveling throughout southeast Asia for 2 months in July and August. Am gonna go through Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and maybe Indonesia for a bit if I want a break from monsoon season.

There Lots of things are amazing when traveling and nature, but one thing in particular I love is water! The only challenge is that I have a legit phobia of Jellyfish (working on getting over it, interestingly have never actually seen one outside of an aquarium). I'm not afraid of the pain of getting stun, but the way they look legit almost gives me a panic attack and I can't imagine snorkingl/scuba/swimming in the ocean with the prospect I might bump into one.

Ironically oceans tend to have these...creatures in them. So my question is...

Are there any bodies of water (Lakes, Rivers, beaches, whatever) That are great for swimming and looking at in these 4 countries that don't have jellyfish!? I would legit change my trip around to be near some sans-jellyfish swimmable water.

Submitted April 17, 2019 at 11:36PM by ThepenguinGuy http://bit.ly/2IGrecP

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