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Bangladesh: Should I stay in a hostel or couchsurfing for first time solo travel in Mexico City (20M)? Should I stay in a hostel or couchsurfing for first time solo travel in Mexico City (20M)? - Bangladesh

Should I stay in a hostel or couchsurfing for first time solo travel in Mexico City (20M)?

I am planning on going to Mexico City for a week in a few weeks, and it will be my first solo trip. Though I'm pretty independent, I'm fairly nervous about travelling alone.

I travelled to Costa Rica when I was 18 with my cousin who was 17, and that was my first trip that was all "mine" and independent from my family and large groups. We stayed in hostels, and my favorite one was a smaller backpackers hostel where we were the only guests and got to know the hostel owner/family well. Because of my experiences there, I'm tempted to try couchsurfing in Mexico City so I can have a more local/cultured experience.

However, my spanish has declined, and I won't have my cousin or another person to travel with me during the day on this trip. So I'm leaning towards staying in a hostel where I can hopefully meet someone to accompany on some days (whereas a couchsurfing host may be busy during the daytime).

What were your accommodations for your first solo trip? Will I have problems meeting people as a solo 20 year old traveler?

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 06:19AM by you_dub_englishman http://bit.ly/2DEvuGG

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