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Bangladesh: Random dump of some non-obvious travel tips Random dump of some non-obvious travel tips - Bangladesh

Random dump of some non-obvious travel tips


I want to give you a random dump of some non-obvious travel tips that I collected over the years. I read a lot of threads but missed a bunch of this.

  • Before returning to your (real) home: Always assume that you have collected some really nasty (bed) bugs! This means put everyting into some big garbage bag and seal it. Get almost naked before re-entrying the building. I gas the whole bag with some chemical repellant - and if there was confirmed bed bug bite, even steam it. If your appartment is getting invaded with bed bugs once you can nuke it from orbit.

  • Not so popular: Apply something like Permethrin (Insecticide) to your shoes and trousers if you go hiking into deep grass or bushes. This keeps most of the ticks off.

  • Apply all recommected vaccs. Some magic oils will not stop tick-borne encephalitis.

  • Bring in some lightweight towel that is big enough that you can make your own bunk-bed courtain to cover the upper part of your body. This gives some privacy even in the most uncomfortable places.

  • Take care that all devices are rechargable using a standardized USB connector. This stuff is easy to replace and you can buy it almost everyhwere.

  • You always can change your plans when your hotel/hostel is having some kind of short-term cancellation policy. I recommend to pre-book the whole trip for just being on the safe side.

  • Your cellphone/tablet will break if you need it. Print out all important stuff (hotel list, tickets, etc.) and store at least one copy in every bag.

  • Keep a copy of your ID and health/travel insurance card in your money belt. Some emergency contact in an orange colored paper in your wallet.

  • Get a good travel health insurance! I saw many young people from the US in Europe with serve health problems being afraid going to a doctor/hospital because their were scared of the costs. This is just stupid.

  • Do not trust Google Maps regarding public transport. Lots of plans are missing (Ireland).

  • Openstreetmap / Osmand: It includes a lot of hidden, beautiful hiking paths if you zoom in deeply enough. Bonus: Its available offline.

  • I usually mix hotels and hostels. Means: Hostel -> Hostel -> Hotel -> Hostel -> Hotel. This help to recharge your social battery and gives you the chance to clean some clothes.

  • Clothing: You can handle 90% of all weather situations with some wind-/rainblocker and Merino wool clothing. I can wear almost the same stuff from -5°C to +35°C.

  • Shoes: Always with ankle protection. In hostels/hotels I usually prefer half-convered bathing shoes like Crocs (flip flops are uncomfortable with socks).

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 02:08PM by AggravatingAnteater http://bit.ly/2We6zkD

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