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Bangladesh: Long distance overland (or sea) travel Long distance overland (or sea) travel - Bangladesh

Long distance overland (or sea) travel

Hi fellow travellers!

I was wondering if anyone else here really enjoy long distance overland travel either for the adventure, environmental friendlier travel or anything else? What are your longest overland travels? And is there a subreddit for this kind of travel?

I enjoy it a lot due to the adventure that you don't get with flying and environmental reasons. I did a trip from Duisburg (West Germany) to Kiev (Ukraine) by bus, Seoul (noth of South Korea) to Jeju (island south of South Korea) by hitchhiking and boat and Siem Reap (Cambodia) to Penang (Malaysia) by bus and great thai train journey! This week I am doing the Netherlands to Dublin by bus, train and boat

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 10:05AM by merikw http://bit.ly/2vulDPm

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