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Bangladesh: I need tips for a USA/Canada road-trip please I need tips for a USA/Canada road-trip please - Bangladesh

I need tips for a USA/Canada road-trip please

Okay so hear me out on this me and 7-9 of my friends (We're not sure if one is gonna agree or if another can come) and yes i am 13, but when the thought came to mind we had to start planning immediately

So we're starting in Denver, Colorado, going to British Columbia to get 3 friends (I don't know which part yet), driving across Canada to get to Toronto, Ontario to get another friend, then heading into New York City to get all other friends

Key: UW = Unsure Where, UOC = Unsure of the order we're doing the cities

After this we plan on hitting several states in this order:
New York City (starting location for main trip)
New Jersey (UW)
Ohio (Columbus)
West Virginia (UW)
Tennessee (Pigeon Forge)
Florida (Orlando, Miami, Fort Myers)

Louisiana (UW)
Texas (Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Fort Worth)
New Mexico (Carlsbad)
Arizona (UW)
California (San Diego, Las Angeles, Shoshone, San Francisco) (UOC)
Oregon (Boring)
Nevada (Las Vegas)
South Dakota (Keystone)
Minnesota (Bloomington)
Illinois (Chicago)

After this we plan on heading back to Toronto to spend time there, then going back to drop everyone off in their starting locations.

I would like some tips, also if you know any cities we can go to in "UW" states and the order of "OUC" states, or cities in already decided states me and my friends can consider it as the plan is made to be flexible

If you have any suggestions for what we can do in selected cities please let me know i would appreciate it, also if you wanna know what we're doing in selected cities please ask i'll be glad to tell you

(Before you say anything, yes we know it's gonna be costly and we're gonna do this over the span of a summer, and we all agreed we cannot do amusement parks except for one in Tennessee)


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