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Bangladesh: Help and Advice! Help and Advice! - Bangladesh

Help and Advice!

Hello! First time poster, and first time solo traveler! Lovely to meet you guys!

I’ve been really fortunate to get accepted into an acting workshop that goes to Denmark and London over three weeks in the summer. I’ll be performing in Hamlet in Denmark! Like WHAT! I’m so crazy excited and can’t wait. However, this is my first time traveling alone (and so far) and I have insane anxiety, so I’m nervous! I’m so happy I found this subreddit so I could get all my questions out.

First, I’ll be spending a majority of the time in Helsingor, Denmark. Awesome! Only thing is is I couldn’t find a cheap AirBnb (outside of a sketchy shack) in the city. I did, however, find a couple across a bridge — in Helsingborg, Sweden! Realistically, I could take the ferry every day to and from rehearsal, which seems as good an idea as any. I’m just wondering how crossing the borders will work with my American passport. I don’t know how it is in Europe, but my trip to Canada was filled to the brim with Customs and questions when I traveled, and I guess I was just wondering if it was the same across the pond. I don’t want it to be a pain to travel back and forth every day. This goes for my travels from Denmark to London, as well, as I’ll probably be taking the train to stop in places along the way.

Second, jetlag! The age old enemy. How long do people usually take to rest up after the longer flights? I was thinking arriving a day or two earlier than the first rehearsal just to get myself on track, but I don’t know if that’ll be enough time?

The flight there and being alone so far from home is probably the scariest thing about this whole shebang. I’m trying not to let it outweigh my excitement, though! Thanks for all the help!

Submitted April 04, 2019 at 06:28PM by showtunie https://ift.tt/2Uw8ZgI

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