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Bangladesh: Find my country by criteria Find my country by criteria - Bangladesh

Find my country by criteria


I was born and live in Ukraine. But I'd like to immigrate, because my country doesn't give me opportunities for my plans and ideas.

I'd like to choose a country because many countries exist in our world.

I'm asking for help from you, since I hope that there are many people from different countries, and perhaps many people who were in different countries.

Initially, I chose two countries. America and England. But maybe there is a country that suits me more ...

There are criteria by which I choose a country. Below I will describe it, and I will be glad to hear from you other options besides England and the USA.

  1. Language, culture, mentality. These things are not important, as if desired, it can be merged.

  2. Attitude towards immigrants. If you really join the language and culture, this doesn't mean that you will become yours for the people of this country. For me it's important that if I become the same as the population of this country, so that they accept me as their own.

  3. Politics. I'd like to become a politician, but there are countries where there are restrictions. For example in America, if you are not born in America, then you cannot become president of America. There is no such limit in England.

  4. Non-discrimination against people with disabilities.

I'm blind. And I'd like less discrimination than in my country.

I wanted to be a voice actor, but in my country I couldn’t become one because of discrimination.

  1. Opportunities for doing IT business.

  2. Large area. I would not want my country to be as small as Andorra. From the size of Britain and more.

  3. I wish my country was not cold. I'd like a river or the sea where you could swim. I love the sun and the rains, but the sun is more.

  4. I love nature. For this reason, I'd like to have forests and fields in my country.

  5. I'd like to see history in my country, as in Britain. That there were historical sites, castles, etc.

  6. In this country was really to become a citizen of this country.

About America. I was in America. This country fits almost completely under all my criteria, but I’m not sure until the end.

About England. I love England. I love culture, language. I love English writers. But there are criteria under which England doesn't fit.

I recently became interested in Japan. I like Japan, at least by its popular name "Land of the Rising Sun".

Thanks in advance!

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 10:27AM by Jonikster http://bit.ly/2vwaMUI

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