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Bangladesh: Any tips on overcoming travel anxiety?? Any tips on overcoming travel anxiety?? - Bangladesh

Any tips on overcoming travel anxiety??

Hi all, I’m sure this gets asked quite frequently but I’m leaving on my first ever solo trip in a couple days and my anxiety is making me question if I should even be doing this in the first place. I’m going to Europe for two weeks and have a rough itinerary set up to prevent myself from having too much free time/time to worry. I know I’m not alone in feeling anxious about this but I’m just worried two weeks is going to be too much for a first solo trip. I meditate and do breathing techniques regularly to help with my anxiety when I’m home. I think my biggest fear at the moment is that I get there and start getting anxious and have no way of calming myself down.

Does anyone have any stories/experiences/tips they can share for overcoming this?

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 10:39PM by lildaynaz http://bit.ly/2PKoBZn

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