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Bangladesh: 22 days to choose between Laos/Cambodia/Thai Islands/Philippines/Nepal | Looking for recommendations 22 days to choose between Laos/Cambodia/Thai Islands/Philippines/Nepal | Looking for recommendations - Bangladesh

22 days to choose between Laos/Cambodia/Thai Islands/Philippines/Nepal | Looking for recommendations

Hi fellow travelers, first post over here but long time reader. 28M from Chile traveling for 78 days around SEA for the first time. I would really appreciate your wise thoughts and advices.

In 26 days I’ve done: - 4 nights in Nusa Islands (Indonesia) - 5 nights in Bangkok (Thailand) - 5 nights in Chiang Mai (Thailand) - 3 nights in Pai (Thailand) - 2 nights in Mandalay (Myanmar) - 1 night in Kalaw (Myanmar) - 2 nights trek to Inle Lake (Myanmar) - 1 night in Inle Lake (Myanmar)

I’m off for 4 nights in Bagan, then bus to Mandalay to take a flight to I DON’T KNOW WHERE.

What I DO know:

  • I’m not really looking for party.
  • I like meeting new people and having different groups of friends while traveling but at the same time I enjoy being on my own walking and discovering while listening to my music, improving my photography skills and journaling.
  • On March 25th I’ll be in Melbourne for 3 nights and then back home on March 28th.
  • I’m saving 3 weeks for Vietnam, just don’t know if going there right after Myanmar or later.
  • Taking those 3 weeks out and the time in Melbourne, I will have around 22 days to fill with great experiences.
  • I would like to have 10-15 days of beach by the end of the trip. I was hesitant of doing the Thai Islands because of the crowds and how maybe mass tourism have spoiled many of them, but so many fellow travelers have said amazing things so I’m changing my mind.
  • I’m a bit tired of running from one place to another and staying just one night, but I guess it’s the price you pay when living that far and visiting for such a limited time. So I feel like exploring 1 or 2 places rather than going to 4 countries for a few nights would be the best option. Any thoughts on this? I would definitely look into coming back to SEA, but life is unpredictable and you never know.
  • Trying to visit hidden gems in this beautiful part of the world but at the same time having the dilemma of maybe having to miss famous spots such as Angkor Wat (just an example).
  • I would love to take the PADI Open Water Diver Course somewhere. Koh Rong or Koh Tao could be some options. Any recommendations?
  • I’ve been also pondering the idea of doing a meditation course for 5-10 days or even a silence retreat, but I’m having a hard time on finding good places that have actually something going on around these dates.

With all that being said, I have around 22 days to fill with:

  • Cambodia (Many people said it’s their favorite part of their trip)
  • Laos (Also many people said it was their favorite part of their trip)
  • Philippines (Beach and (huge maybe) not that crowded like Thai Islands???)
  • Thai Islands (Beach, Diving and potentially meditation)
  • Nepal (A guy I met told me about a meditation retreat he did but didn’t had time to ask him more details)

I’m sure any choice will end up being fantastic, but I’m really looking forward to read your recommendations based on the background described.

Thanks so much!

Submitted February 04, 2019 at 04:43AM by shbilly http://bit.ly/2TsasRm

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