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Bangladesh: "THE drive". FL back to NYC (Vent/Rant) "THE drive". FL back to NYC (Vent/Rant) - Bangladesh

"THE drive". FL back to NYC (Vent/Rant)

Just completed my 7th 1000+ mile trip alone. Having driven 4 different cars each time, I learn more about myself, the road, and other drivers/cities/states/etc each time. This trip definitely tops the list. Between Maryland and NJ Turnpike traffic from 4-6am, my brain is absolutely fried. I took way too many breaks than I should have from Georgia to Maryland, totalling an almost 18 hour drive. This was in a rental this time, so as a smoker, it really killed me (the irony) to have to stop if I wanted a cigarette.

North Carolina is a ghost town after 12am. EVERYTHING WAS CLOSED for like 20 miles straight. No gas, no food. On and off i95 at least 5 times looking for some sort of hot fast food and gas.. nothing. Eventually found a trucker stop, had to walk in to order. Took a nice 30 min layover to refuel my body with a daves double and about 5 burps later I was energized and ready to finish the drive.

The lesson learned: the average American driver on a rural highway is mostly respectful. From Georgia up to Virginia, everyone is very patient and courteous, whether you or they are going 76/77 or 82/83mph. I have the most love for someone that knows how to use their indicator and change lanes respectfully. You really learn about that in South Carolina where 2 lanes begin, and only 2 lanes; for the next 500+ miles or so. I play by all rules in Virginia, but I can't even begin to tell you the dangers of flying past someone playing by the strictest rules when it comes to motor vehicle laws. I just envision a helicopter above me the entire time. I wouldn't want to be doing anything wrong that is visible to that helicopter. Outside of Virginia, do what you need to do.. drive safely and drive the way you want to drive. By that I don't mean revving 4500rpms and weaving through traffic. I mean don't be afraid to keep your eyes on the road instead of your speed. It's perfectly fine (and appropriate) to turn and keep your HIGHBEAMS on through the darkest parts, especially where the divider of the highway is a tremendous amount of trees. But for fucks sake, if you see a pair of oncoming lowbeams, turn your highbeams off. You're really just am asshole for that. There is no excuse. And the fact I don't want to blind a lowbeam driver behind you while flashing you to turn your highbeams off makes it even worse. "KEEP right EXCEPT to PASS". That's what the sign should say in the most dense bold font. There's absolutely no reason to be going the minimum speed or less than the speed limit in a lane other than the right lane if you're NOT PASSING in the left. It just doesn't work. You're endangering yourself, your passengers, and every driver and their passengers within 5000ft of you as opposed to you being a speeder instead. Again, this brings me back to the indicator and lane change situation. Yes, they will go around you eventually. No one should have to be passed on the right. Semi or not, it's just wrong. You turn it into a mind game.

I have learned to be very cautious in Maryland. I've been pulled over only in Maryland before, last year; and I've learned why. Maryland drives dangerously. Cutting each other off simultaneously, no indicators, 90mph in the right lane, and just generally a different mindset. I was pulled for doing 70 in a 55 last year. I am a solo 25-30 white male, leaving it to easily have him ask to search the car. Knowing I have nothing of his interest, I let him, and I don't get a ticket for the speed. Talking to his partner during the search so he could see where my head was, I learned he actually moved from around the block of a relatives home here in NYC. He was very precise about all details of the area. Most genuine encounter with a cop (trooper) I'll probably ever have. We started parting ways with me asking if he would put everything back the way he found it. It was hilarious. It was rather chilly that day, and I was sitting on the ice cold bullbar of the car. They eventually offered me to sit inside their car. Radical equipment. Never in my life have I ever seen anything like that other than a Youtube video. Let me go with no ticket for the speed since I let him search the car.

It was a great experience being alone on the road again. I feel like it really cleared my head and any tension I had. Great vacation in Florida. Close family birthday down there. Doing it again in November, both ways. I flew to FL and drove back for this trip. It made more sense for how I wanted to spend my own time/vacation time. 3 days to recover! Definitely don't make as many stops as I did if you are taking this trip alone and are trying to stay awake/meet a time. It won't work. I have others in my family that do this trip religiously. But, they have children and dogs. It makes all the difference. Don't be afraid to do it alone if you've never done it before. It's really something to experience. Just know that the closer you get to home you really have to consider how long you have been awake and driving. Stay hydrated and aware. Can't wait for my 8th and 9th trips.

P.S. Definitely make sure you don't run into a no music situation, if that's your go-to. I was prepared this time.

P.P.S. I left Florida 2pm Wednesday and arrived home 7:40am next day. I would recommend leaving Florida 10am the latest. New York to FL, definitely leave NY by 5/6pm.


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