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Bangladesh: Eastern Europe in September, looking for advices Eastern Europe in September, looking for advices - Bangladesh

Eastern Europe in September, looking for advices

Hi there! I'm going to travel in Europe, from Canada in September 2018.

I'm budgeting maximum 2000-2500$ CAD for the trip (oversea flight non-included)

I've been in Europe twice now, but it's time to go East. I love to do some hiking, and learn about history of the country I visit. I'm also going to stay in hostels during my trip.

  • I'm landing in Paris, flying to Prague on the same day. I'm plannig to stay 3 days in this town.
  • Probably going to Vienne for 2 days after this
  • Going to Budapest from here, and it's the point that I'm kind of lost with this part of my trip.
  • I want to visit old Eastern countries, starting from Croatia down to Albania, crossing into Serbia and I want to spend a couple days in each country (probably around their capitals, except if there is some coolest towns to visit)

From here, Bulgaria (probably Sofia for a couple days), and Istanbul until 22nd to fly back to Paris, because I fly back on 23rd.

I hope someone who did this kind of trip can help me because in my last trips, I spend my weeks in the same country, now it's all new for me!

Thanks for your help!

Submitted May 17, 2018 at 05:26PM by OnlyJim https://ift.tt/2It86Mu

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