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Bangladesh: Should I go to Tokyo or Seoul for a week? Should I go to Tokyo or Seoul for a week? - Bangladesh

Should I go to Tokyo or Seoul for a week?

Here's a bit about me;

I'm able to take a trip next month to either Tokyo or Seoul for about a week in May 2018 before I start a new job in June where I won't have any vacation days left for a good while. Take note that my budget will be a bit tighter. Excluding flights/places to sleep; for a week I really want to spend under 1000 euros ideally 700-850~ tops and I don't plan on going far outside of the capital for each country. This trip is also last-minute sort of so I actually don't have as much prep time as I'd like (tbh, I found some really cheap flights)

I've already been to Japan once, and never South Korea. In Japan, I visited Tokyo, Osaka, Nara, and Kyoto in a two week span.

Here's what I don't care about; nightlife and getting drunk and stuff. Just not my style or goal here, as I hear both cities excel in that.

What I do care about; food, sightseeing, photography, and meeting people (locals and/or tourists too), pop culture, really "weird" places/things/shops, night photography,

Here's why I'm a bit torn between the two;

For Tokyo;

  • I absolutely enjoyed my time in Japan, and was so sad to have left. I still had so much to explore and so much I wanted to do if I went back to Tokyo I wouldn't regret it. I also speak a bit of Japanese and can read kana alphabet although my kanji level is quite weak. Also my main reason this time if I go is to shoot more and better photos.

I've been getting into more professional photography and I was a total newbie last time I went! I have so many ideas and shots I want to get. I know approximately how to save money more since I was already there, and I know how much the exchange rate is.

I think the downside is I've definitely already been to the Tokyo region and a few places closeby; went to Yokohama, Shibuya, Akihabara, Akasaka, Asakusa, etc, etc. I also kind of geeked out last time I went and I really enjoy many aspects of Japan, so I know more about Japan than Korea. I think this time if I go to Tokyo, it'll be less tourism centered and more photography centered.

If I go to Tokyo, and meet people, it's also so much easier for me to talk about Japan whether they're local or foreigner since it's a subject I've studied on and whatnot.

For Seoul;

  • Never been but it's always been on my wish list. I know absolutely zero Korean and I'll have a small amount of time to learn some, it shouldn't be so hard for simple phrases but still. I don't know much about South Korean culture or customs. I don't know how much things cost in value compared to what I can get in euros.

I want to do something new too and experience Korean food, but to me it's daunting to go on another solo travel trip with little to no preparations/planning, little to no knowledge about South Korea. I feel a bit lazier this time about having to.

Submitted April 13, 2018 at 01:41PM by yangxciii https://ift.tt/2EIA0l3

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