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Bangladesh: How do you deal with the guilt of an extremely worried family? How do you deal with the guilt of an extremely worried family? - Bangladesh

How do you deal with the guilt of an extremely worried family?

I posted here previously about my decision to take my first solo trip to Europe that I’m incredibly excited for. However, my family’s disapproval is really starting to wear me down.

They are beyond terrified for me. They have begged and pleaded and offered to refund my entire trip out of their own pockets. My (usually supportive) dad has furiously yelled at me about how I don’t understand how dangerous the world can be. My mom was reduced to tears, which broke me heart to see her cry and know I was causing it.

I know their fear is misplaced and ridiculous, but it’s real to them. They are convinced that a girl alone in a foreign country is a walking billboard for trouble and that something bad is guaranteed to happen to me. My sister is also dealing with some bad health issues right now, so their fear of something horrible happening to both daughters is just compounding. I hate adding any extra stress and worry to them while my sister is going through this.

In the end, I’m an adult and they can’t stop me from going. But the guilt is really starting to overwhelm my excitement for my trip to the point where I’m questioning if it’s even worth it. I plan to prepare my itinerary for them with my schedule, hostels, hostel phone numbers and even general plans for what I’ll be doing there, but that most likely will not be much reassurance.

Did any of you have to deal with this extreme, overprotective terror from your family? And if so, how do you convince yourself that going is still the right thing to do?

Submitted April 11, 2018 at 04:42PM by ToTiredToThink626 https://ift.tt/2Hu4tX8

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