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Bangladesh: First solo travel experience to Amsterdam and Neatherlands First solo travel experience to Amsterdam and Neatherlands - Bangladesh

First solo travel experience to Amsterdam and Neatherlands

I will make a small but not too detailed summery of the trip.

Stayed in downtown bulldog hotel. Made friends with one of the guys staying in my hostel from peru (who didn't speak fluent English) I was able to go around seeing all the destinations I wanted to at my own pace. On the walking tour and bike tour I was socialising a fair bit so didn't feel totally lonely here.

I moved to Leiden and stayed in an AirBnb there where the host was very friendly and told me a lot about Neatherlands which I didn't know. I was exploring, adventuring at a pretty fast and beautiful pace which sort of got rid of the fact I was by myself.

I moved to flying pig in the uptown which is by far my favorite hostel so far! It was more chill then bulldog and I was able to make a lot of friends there. Talking to my room mates in my dorm I was able to chill and have beer and weed with them. I even had a group let me explore with them and play drinking games til 4am in the morning. I think living in smaller dorm rooms helped.

Learning to appreciate different walks of life is the biggest lesson I got from this trip.

Pros - Able to travel at your pace - no need to compromise with someone - time to read and soak in the sites (I stayed in Foam for 6 hours!) -easier to blend in ( I got mistaken as a local so many times!) - I can take photos at my own pace - I can easily join a group, which would be hard if I was with friends - alone with your thoughts so able to exercise where you are and where you want to go in life

Cons - no one to talk to half the time, gets lonely - really tests your self reliance, but this can be a pro too as its a skill you learn - even though I did, it can be awkward eating alone at great restaurants - Night time can be hard if you can't find people to chill with or something to do - Your 100% responsible for how you look after your things and yourself

It's an experience I have mixed feelings about but overall I loved it. It is definitely something i'll do again. Biggest challenge for me on this trip was overcoming my social anxiety, but it was a challenge I wish to pursue especially if it evolved seeing Europe for the first time.


To my surprise it is a common trend happening with my generation and I think more and more will happen as the time poor economy continures.

Submitted April 12, 2018 at 07:38PM by monmonn26 https://ift.tt/2vbLazm

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