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Bangladesh: Eastern Europe Solo Travel Summer 2018 Recommendations Eastern Europe Solo Travel Summer 2018 Recommendations - Bangladesh

Eastern Europe Solo Travel Summer 2018 Recommendations

I will be studying abroad in Eastern Europe this summer, and afterwards I would like to explore more of the surrounding area before returning to the US. These are my considerations: I have already traveled to: - Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina - Belgrade, Serbia - Uvac, Serbia - Pristina, Kosovo

Length: Roughly 1-2 Weeks

Budget: I'll have some money saved, but would try to be as cheap as possible. My current budget is around 500$-600$ USD right now (not including airfare), preferably less if possible. I plan on using a combination of airbnb and hostels when necessary.

Interests: Pretty much anything and everything. I speak English, French, and broken Russian but I don't assume any of those will be helpful. I would like to focus primarily on cities, as I will not have access to a car and do not know how to drive anyways. However, if possible, I would also be interested in outdoorsy things (hiking, etc) if accessible from a major city.

Safety: This will be my first time traveling in Europe, and my first time solo traveling outside the US and Canada. I am not too concerned, and I would like to strike a balance between the super touristy things and places completely off the beaten path. Let me know if you have questions and I'll try to clarify.

Submitted April 16, 2018 at 10:21PM by ekaj98 https://ift.tt/2HFyZNZ

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