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Bangladesh: would you advise against traveling internationally as a first solo trip? would you advise against traveling internationally as a first solo trip? - Bangladesh

would you advise against traveling internationally as a first solo trip?

disclaimer: i have never traveled before. i’m 23 and fresh out of college. i have a good job, pay all my bills on my own, and come home to a cat everyday. traveling has always been very endearing to me, but i am from a single-mother household and traveling during college just wasn’t feasible for me in financial terms.

my mom is VERY supportive of me traveling solo and being independent. i mentioned traveling to budapest this year (i live in texas) and she was surprisingly against it. she thinks i should travel domestic first and then try my hand at international travel later. i was pretty confident in my decision to travel internationally but now i’m a little hesitant.

Submitted March 08, 2018 at 01:36AM by bananaemoji http://ift.tt/2oRSeLL

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