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Bangladesh: I want to Travel in Morocco - Dates will Depend on Flight Prices I want to Travel in Morocco - Dates will Depend on Flight Prices - Bangladesh

I want to Travel in Morocco - Dates will Depend on Flight Prices

I am single and do a big solo trip every year. This year I plan to go to Morocco and, independent from all the research I have already done, I was hoping for more anecdotal advice based on people's personal experiences traveling solo through the country.

I am a fairly experienced traveler who has lived in several countries but traveled to most of Europe and a decent chunk of SE Asia. Africa, specifically Morocco, will be new for me.

I plan to spend about 1 week in Morocco before traveling to Spain for a week to see friends.

Budget is not an issue for me as I save my money well and live a simple life in the states but have a well-paying job. Still, I plan to stay in hostels or traditional Riads depending on the city.

Interests - Food: As long as the food is good, it doesn't matter if it's 4 star or came from a street cart. Finding that dive that does one dish really well is amazing. - Outdoors: I am a big hiker but love to swim or do anything active. - Nightlife: I am single and 25 and would love to find a good nightlife. I drink and smoke but am always responsible.

Safety is not a major concern for me. I am experienced enough in solo travel that I know what to look out for and how to avoid scams. I am a pretty big dude but understand that size doesn't matter all that much.

Just hoping for some advice here, more than what I can find in travel books and online forums with questions that aren't specific to my situation. The cities I am playing with are Marrakesh, Casablanca, Fes, and Chefchaouen but I am open to any suggestions.

Submitted March 06, 2018 at 06:18PM by beernsleep http://ift.tt/2Fs8Q6u

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