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Bangladesh: Those who returned home with jobs right away from a long solo trip, how did that work out for you? Those who returned home with jobs right away from a long solo trip, how did that work out for you? - Bangladesh

Those who returned home with jobs right away from a long solo trip, how did that work out for you?

This is unrelated to traveling but I think could be useful to us solo travelers. I'm having trouble getting a job back in my old field after I quit it to travel for a few months. Seeing as this is a potential problem many travelers will face coming back home and assuming you quit your job to travel, I'd like know to know how others succeeded in getting a job immediately. I have some questions such as how did you get a job back so soon(soon meaning by within a month)? What line of work do you do? Did you end up getting a different job position than before you left to travel? Did you accept the first job that was offered to you? How many years of work experience did you have before you traveled for so long? Lastly, did traveling for many months hurt or help you in interviews? If so how could one use it to their advantage or make it appear marketable? And if I haven't asked the right questions, please give some background on what you did that makes your case different than for some. Hope this can be helpful to us solo travelers.

Submitted January 23, 2018 at 10:14PM by nenadkrstic http://ift.tt/2G8PuAN

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