Free flights around the United States. Where to go?
So I am a 24 year old male who is quitting my job in late Feb/ early March to travel. My mom works for Jetblue so I can travel standby for basically free anywhere they fly. If I fly out of the country I just have to pay taxes. Here is a list of places they fly. So far my plans are to fly to long beach, oakland, and Vancouver (not on jetblue) to go visit family for a few days in each spot. But after that I have no plans as to where I want to go.
By the time I quit my job I will have roughly $6K that I would be comfortable using on travel. I plan to travel for roughly 4-7 weeks. Maybe a little longer. I would be flying standby but as I have no time frame to be back missing a few flights wouldn't be such a big deal. Anyway I am asking if anyone has any suggestions on places I should travel to (check the link above to see where JetBlue flys to). I am trying to visit all 50 states although I am only at about 20 states visited so far. I also would like to visit some of the Islands they fly too. Any insight on places would be great. Thanks!
Submitted December 12, 2017 at 09:18PM by zztravel
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