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Bangladesh: An optimistic proposal to you: An optimistic proposal to you: - Bangladesh

An optimistic proposal to you:

Let me preface this by saying this is something optimistic and unlikely in its nature. Because of that, I wary of all the risks associated, yet I still want to proceed with it. Let me begin:

My four friends and I had planned a road trip from New York to Florida, beginning on December 26 and to come back New Years Eve. Instead of proceeding with the plan, one of my friends decided he would rather work those days to make up for the money he is spending on Christmas gifts. Once he broke the news to us, another backed out, saying he doesn't feel its financially worth it anymore, thus cancelling the trip in its entirety. Disappointed, I let my feelings be known and gave them an ultimatum: Years from now, will you still support the decision to work instead of going on a road trip with your best friends? Would you even remember those days you worked or would you remember the road trip? Is five days worth of pay worth an experience you will never forget? Their verdict remained, as did my disappointment in them.

So /r/roadtrip , here is my insane yet hopeful, proposal you: I am craving a road trip. I love the idea of them, the experience, and the culture. The memories created, the people you meet, and the places you go are all one-of-a-kind experiences that should be of higher importance in our lives that sadly aren't given the thoughtful consideration they deserve. I firmly believe its only in the journey of life you find great joy, not the in minimal uncertainty or the predictability of it. If you share these views, I am looking for you. I am seeking a few strangers to join me in a road trip. My car can accommodate 3 comfortably. The destination is not a given, rather I feel it should be a surprise to us all. Ideally, it would last 5-7 days, however I am perfectly comfortable with extending or shortening that timeframe depending upon each persons ambitions. I am aware this proposal is a bit unrealistic and potentially risky in nature, however it is something I believe wholeheartedly will benefit myself and those who decide to accompany me. If you are interested- PM me, and we'll go from there. If you're unsure- I am happy to address any concerns you may have. If you're not interested- I thank you for taking the time to read this.

Who wants to join me in creating great friendships, memories, and experiences that we will never forget?

TL;DR: Cancelled road trip led to my realization of the need for them, however I need open minded individuals to create a great one.


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