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Bangladesh: Robbed in Dublin hostel Robbed in Dublin hostel - Bangladesh

Robbed in Dublin hostel

I was showering at "Paddy's Palace" hostel in Dublin and I came out to see this dude talking on the phone "with his friend". I thought he had some mix up with where he was staying, but later found out he just walked into the room to steal shit because the electronic door lock doesn't work. He was acting super shady and acting hella weird in hindsight, but I didn't put the pieces together quick enough. After talking to him for a couple minutes, he says he needs to leave and go meet his friend, says he'll catch up later. As soon as he leaves, I start dressing and noticed he cleared my wallet. I run out the building to catch him, but he's already gone. Apparently this hostel has banned him in the past for stealing and yet he still gets in. Besides giving a quick report to the police, do. I have any recourse? Especially because the door lock is broken, is there anything I can do?

Submitted November 18, 2017 at 03:24PM by Darth_Hanu http://ift.tt/2jDb6i0

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