Hostel Joys
Just past midnight here in Berlin and I think I have come across the most annoying hostel-er in my travels to date.
I walk in at about 9pm, which is a pretty reasonable hour. Lights are all of, which is okay - some people like to sleep early or have earlier flights (which was the case here). But it’s super super loud snoring. Maybe the loudest I have ever heard.
I plug in my phone into the socket that is above my bed. It make a little bit of sound but nothing crazy for a hostel room. The snorer wakes up abruptly, rises and asks, “are you okay making that noise?” Seriously man? Anyway, I apologise because whatever.
He proceeds to fall back to sleep and snore his guts out. I’m talking Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Insane snoring. And my phone in the socket was loud? Pls.
He then sets his phone alarm to maximum volume to wake up. At midnight.
He has not packed his bag. So decides midnight is a great time to pack it. Look, hostels are not super quiet but making insanely loud noises with no regard for anyone else in the room... just no.
This is a room of 6 and there is a bathroom attached. He decides to take the loudest shit known to mankind, which also happens to be the smelliest and stinks out the room. Seriously dude wtf.
He’s ready to leave. So he gets his gear and then slams the door! Fuck! But at least he’s gone.
Oh, he’s forgotten something. He comes back in, gets his final belongings, and yes... it wasn’t a mistake before... slams the door!
The joys of hostels :)
Submitted November 25, 2017 at 11:19PM by jumparoos
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