0b2a3efcb0aa7cbe6d312c1e8d93f768ff3c356d Bangladesh Tourism

Bangladesh: Searching hard on where to travel. I'm really looking for two qualities: very inexpensive and very, very peaceful Searching hard on where to travel. I'm really looking for two qualities: very inexpensive and very, very peaceful - Bangladesh

Searching hard on where to travel. I'm really looking for two qualities: very inexpensive and very, very peaceful

Going through a bit of a rough time in life after a hard breakup with my girlfriend, on the flip side I've got nothing preventing me from traveling anymore. I've got about $4k USD to spend (probably more by the time I'll be ready to go). My hope is to travel somewhere that I can afford comfortably for at least a month, renting out a private room or apartment. I enjoy visiting big cities, sure, but this time around I'm leaning towards someplace quiet/peaceful/serene. All the while staying at around $30-40/day including lodging.

I figure theres a good chance the place I'm looking for wont adhere to each of these qualities. But if anyone has found something similar I'm all ears.

The dream would be to have a place of my own. Be able to walk outside my door and not feel overwhelmed by the sight and sounds of traffic and crowds. Be able to walk 5 minutes and get quality, inexpensive food. Walk another 15-30 minutes and be surrounded by nature- whether that be forests, mountains, lakes, rivers. And all this for under $40. Like I said, this would be the dream spot. Does it exist?

Currently, Im looking into Nepal, Indonesia, and northern Thailand.

TL;DR Looking for a unicorn travel destination in which I can live and eat for cheap, be close to nature, and away from big crowds/traffic.


Submitted October 08, 2017 at 06:33AM by twislebutt http://ift.tt/2y1OvkO

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