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Bangladesh: I have 3 months to relax before transferring to a CSU. Need recommendations on where to go in California. I have 3 months to relax before transferring to a CSU. Need recommendations on where to go in California. - Bangladesh

I have 3 months to relax before transferring to a CSU. Need recommendations on where to go in California.

I expect to graduate from community college in the Spring of 2019. Since I'll be taking about 18 credits my last 3 semesters, I decided to use the gap to take a well deserved break. I'll be van dwelling.

I want to spend the majority of my time fishing, learning more code, and just lazying around. Although I'm from this state, I know nothing about it.

Monterey is the first thing that came to mind. I went there on a failed deep sea fishing trip (sea sickness sucks), but I enjoyed the cool breeze. Wasn't too cold either, even though it was December.

Open to suggestions. I'm not taking a road trip, just want to sit in one spot. Maybe explore the area around it.

Submitted October 12, 2017 at 01:10AM by plzKillMeh http://ift.tt/2ybC3io

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