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Bangladesh: Europe from Early November to Late January: Brand and Item Specific Clothing Suggestions Europe from Early November to Late January: Brand and Item Specific Clothing Suggestions - Bangladesh

Europe from Early November to Late January: Brand and Item Specific Clothing Suggestions

Hey! Just some wondering here: what brand layers is the popular things among solo travelers? I backpacked Italy in December where I was suuuuper lucky with the weather, but this time I'll be heading north to colder places in Europe and would like to know what I should bring. I'm talking long underwear, socks, yadda yadda. I have a nice wool jacket that I fairs well in most conditions so long as I layer under it.

Disclaimer: My backpack is 50 liters, I live in Chicago so I am used to (and normally prefer) really cold weather, AND I really fuckin hate boots (but maybe I haven't tried on the right pair).

Thank you for your time and I really look forward to your advice!!

EDIT: I only post this after doing my own research because I am super picky about stuff and plan on buying online.

Submitted October 17, 2017 at 08:23PM by krahger http://ift.tt/2yQGSyx

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