Advice for people with dodgy ears?
Hi everyone. The last time I was on an aeroplane was when I was a child and I remember suffering quite a bit with ear pain. I don't know if it makes a difference but I am actually partially deaf (no aids).
I really want to travel to Asia but I'm nervous about long haul flights and this is one of the main issues for me. I'm attempting a short haul flight soon but do you guys have any advice? I'll be travelling alone.
The 'suck a boiled sweet' trick didn't really help me when I was a kid though I might have been doing it wrong. I've invested in some 'earplane' thingies that look a bit like ear plugs.
Weird question alert - does ear wax make a difference to the experience?
Submitted October 28, 2017 at 10:53PM by IridiumIngot
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