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Bangladesh: How to get from Nepal to Tajikistan by land? How to get from Nepal to Tajikistan by land? - Bangladesh

How to get from Nepal to Tajikistan by land?


I'm currently planning a long cycling trip from Southeast Asia to Europe. I've got as far as Nepal, but don't know how to proceed from here. The UK GOV websites advises not going to any Pakistani borders (and access may not even be possible here?) and the North of India (Kashmir etc.) seems pretty dangerous. Any tips or advice on how to get past this? At the moment the option I'm seeing is cycling through China (but I can't enter Tibet) and cycling through there. This is a massive detour and I don't think I fancy cycling this much of China. Any advice is appreciated!

Thanks :)

EDIT: I was just talking about this with my sister-in-law and said "I could potentially go up to Myanmar, and miss our Nepal and India and cycle around China. It's just a trek." She replied saying the whole things a trek, so if I have to go around China it's not the end of the world I suppose. Still, any advice appreciated!

Submitted September 09, 2017 at 07:52PM by Jammy507 http://ift.tt/2eVR5Bl

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