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Bangladesh: What to do, road trip or play it safe? What to do, road trip or play it safe? - Bangladesh

What to do, road trip or play it safe?

So heres my dilemma. Im 24 and just graduated college after 6 years of working full time to pay my way through school. While doing this I've had to give up traveling on multiple occasions because i was worrying about affording both tuition and rent.

At this point, having just graduated, i am at a cross roads. During may i was let go from my job so since then i have been unemployed. I have been interviewing around and as of today i have received 2 different offer letters from companies at $35,000. They also come with health benefits and the whole nine yards.

This is where the big question comes in. I have wanted to travel the country since i started school, but have not had the opportunity. I do now that i am not working, no girlfriend, and i live month to month(no lease). Do i travel now, with no job, and take in what the country has to offer, or, take one of the jobs. Taking the job is the smart option fiscally, but I'm never going to be in a position like this ever again, where i can just travel by myself, wherever i want, with nobody to answer to or a rent to worry about.

Advice is much appreciated.


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