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Bangladesh: What should I do about my jet lag? What should I do about my jet lag? - Bangladesh

What should I do about my jet lag?

Hey guys, I'm not asking about general information because I'm well aware of how to beat jet lag, and the whole idea of "sleep in your new time zone". That just doesn't work for me. What takes most people a few days takes me a week to get over it. Here's my issue, i got back home yesterday with only 5-6 hours of sleep. (I usually average 8-9 hours of sleep), when I got back it was the afternoon and I was exhausted. I forced myself to stay up until about 11pm. I ended up waking up at 4am and now it looks like I'm going to be tired for the rest of the day. I have extremely important things to do tomorrow and I can't be sleepy, I was considering taking melatonin but the risk of waking up tired was too much. What should I do?

Submitted August 19, 2017 at 11:45AM by Songsrock http://ift.tt/2v10Hxx

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