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Bangladesh: Rising Euro against USD, should I be concerned? Rising Euro against USD, should I be concerned? - Bangladesh

Rising Euro against USD, should I be concerned?

When I first started booking my trip the Euro was 1.07 to 1.00 USD. This morning the Euro is 1.20 to 1.00 USD. I'm a little worried that it's going to shoot up even higher and my trip is next week.

I mean good for the Europeans but hell for those traveling on a budget. Wondering if anyone else traveling from another country on a tighter budget then I would be concerned? I'm not too worried because of how I budgeted but I do get anxious from thinking about spending more then anticipated.

Looks like if I spend $202 USD it'll be roughly 169 EURO and that's an equal exchange rate, not without the fees/percentages taken out when you withdraw money.

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 05:14PM by theorigamiwaffle http://ift.tt/2wjlBuN

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