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Bangladesh: Exploring New Zealand Advice Exploring New Zealand Advice - Bangladesh

Exploring New Zealand Advice

Hello Everyone,

I am visiting Auckland, NZ from Canada with my wife. I want to explore the South Island. I plan to fly to Queenstown and rent a car and drive throughout NZ for about 10 days (give or take). It seems to be the most cost effective way to explore (unless one of you has a more cost effective way to explore).

However, not being from here, I don't really know the best places to explore within my timeline of 10 days. Here is what I would like to do so far:

  • I know I will be occupied at least one day in Queenstown with the mountains and there is a possibility of skiing there. Also planning on stopping in Milford sound for a day or so.
  • Glowworm caves (unsure of the best one).
  • Hamilton (HOBBITS, duh)
  • I'd like to stop at Tongariro National Park
  • Franz Josef Glacier looks awesome
  • Christchurch (A bit out of the way, should I go there?)

All I know is that at the end of my timeline of ~10 days, I would like to drop the car off in Auckland, which will be where I am staying.

Any advice or knowledge tidbits would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Dave

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 10:12PM by davebam12 http://ift.tt/2vL1C4F

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