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Bangladesh: Best places to live cheaply for the duration of a tourist visa? Best places to live cheaply for the duration of a tourist visa? - Bangladesh

Best places to live cheaply for the duration of a tourist visa?

Hi, all! I'm a freelance writer, 22f from the US, in the preliminary stages of planning to move abroad (probably about this time next year) and live somewhat nomadically. At this point I'm thinking I'll start with a working holiday visa in New Zealand to pad my bank account a bit and then head over, staying in a country until my tourist visa expires and then moving to the next. I'd be interested in picking a city or two and staying more or less in one place while I'm in any given country, maybe just taking day trips from that home base. (I.e. If I went to France I might stay in Paris a month and Nice for two months -- something like that, maybe not those exact places.)

Now, heading over where, you ask? I have no idea yet. I'm partial to Europe -- I studied in Oxford for a semester and did some side trips while I was there. I absolutely loved it and I like the availability of nearby countries that I could reach by bus, train, plane, etc. But I also know there's so much more to the world than Western Europe. I've been to Thailand and liked it (especially the food!), but I also had a friend showing me around and would have been a little overwhelmed if I'd been solo -- then again, I'm hoping this experience pushes me out of my comfort zone, so a little bit of that might be okay too.

I'm looking for places with a low cost of living, where I can stretch my dollar, get around without a car, experience a new culture, get to know people, and fit in some history and outdoorsy stuff along the way.

So where would you recommend looking into and why? Countries and specific cities. And do you have a general idea of the cost of living or tips for that specific location? What are the must do/try things in that region?

Thank you in advance!

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 04:39PM by writerwhocantspell http://ift.tt/2wSA2Ya

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