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Bangladesh: Anyone Live a Good Portion of Their Life on the Road? Anyone Live a Good Portion of Their Life on the Road? - Bangladesh

Anyone Live a Good Portion of Their Life on the Road?

Wondering aloud if anyone else does this, as I'd imagine there are some. I'm 26 and for the past 6 years, I have spent half a year at least travelling mostly through North America (Canada, Mexico, US, I'm from NYC). Lucky to be able to do partially with work but a big chunk through no work of my own. Will share my experience if the discussion gets going. But, if you are one of those people, love to hear your experience, and maybe use a few of these questions as a guide line? Looking primarily for people who have lived life on the road for fun, not as part of a job (though if its interesting feel free to detail you experience). Are you travelling now or did you spend a period of your life doing so? How long, and at what age? Where do you travel to? How do (and for future reference will also go for "did" for those who have travelled in the past) pay for it? Inheritance? Work and retiring early? Saving up? Odd jobs? Did you travel alone or with someone else? What is dating like? Any perfect romantic nights with someone who you know you'll never see again? Please elaborate What did your parents think of your lifestyle? Do you stay in one spot or go to a bunch of different cities? What's your usual budget? How did you travel? Plane, greyhound bus, train, car, combo? What were your accomodations? Motel, hotel, hostel? Would you ever see family? Ever reconnected with someone on your travels? A casual fb friend who was a classmate, an old camp friend, etc, and formed a stronger bond? Did seeing so many places strengthen or weaken your faith in humanity? What class are you? Ever get to know someone with a different class or experience? Any interesting conversations or stories? Funny moments? Run ins with crazy people? Dangerous ones? Whats a typical day? Are you usually social or reclusive, or is it mood dependent? Prefer country side to the city, or a mix of both? How do you make friends if travelling alone? Any life long friends made? Interesting stories? Does social media guide where you go? Or do you stay unplugged? or a mix? These are random, I know!

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 08:52AM by twotonetraveler http://ift.tt/2vuiod9

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