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Bangladesh: Advice on South America School/Work options Advice on South America School/Work options - Bangladesh

Advice on South America School/Work options

Hi, I've done a bit of research but would like some guidance from anyone who has done something similar.

I'm taking a gap year from school. I was doing well as an industrial engineering student, but I absolutely hate the work after completing a coop. I need to take some time to reevaluate.

I speak Spanish pretty well, but wouldn't say fluent. I just finished interning for an NGO in Honduras for 2 months. I really enjoyed it.

From my understanding it's pretty easy to stay in South America for a decent length if I'm attending a language school. I'm not opposed to the idea because I could use a lot of polishing. But is it at all possible to find work in somewhere like Colombia, Argentina, or Chile (or anywhere else, really) without a degree? Anything that works like a working holiday?

It seems like it is possible to apply for jobs then begin work on a visa, but my lack of a degree and distance from South America it's understandable if I'm not an ideal hire at the moment. I'm just curious if anyone has had any recommendations for language schools or organizations that might could use some volunteer web design or basic programming assistance.

I'm interested in cities like Santiago, Buenos Aires, Medellin, Cartagena, etc. but am open to any recommendations. My priority isn't to backpack all over South America, but proximity to cool weekend trips or a small adventure at the end would be a nice bonus!

I have about $4000 at my disposal right now, and I have a decent number of miles saved up from my coop. I will probably jump back into school beginning next summer session. I just need to take some time to decide if I should transfer school and majors at the moment. It's too much money at stake on a degree I know I don't want to use at the moment.

Any help is much appreciated

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 06:30PM by Gringolancho http://ift.tt/2vKWei5

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