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Bangladesh: North or South America? North or South America? - Bangladesh

North or South America?

41 (f) I have 4 weeks to spend travelling. I'm going to be in San Diego for a few days then I fly out of LAX just over a month later. I was going to spend that month in North America but after a recent trip to Rarotonga where everything was super expensive I'm wondering if I'd have a better (budget) trip if I actually just fly to somewhere in South America for the month, which is also somewhere I've always wanted to go. (I've already spent 7 months in Central America about 10 years ago but never been to South America) What's a realistic minimum budget for a month driving around cali/maybe up to Yellowstone. I do want to be able to afford to do some fun activities along the way and also not feel like I'm just eating tuna out of a can for a month. I'm from NZ BTW so happy to reciprocate with any info about my country! Thank you!

Submitted April 04, 2019 at 08:02PM by Puffpiece https://ift.tt/2Vm2af1

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