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Bangladesh: I did it! (31 F) I did it! (31 F) - Bangladesh

I did it! (31 F)

For years I let my fears create excuses and stall my travel dreams. This year I decided to put an end to that and just go. I took my first solo trip to New Orleans, LA.

Before my trip I worried about getting from point A to point B, going out alone, being bored because I was alone, etc. All of that melted away once I got on the plane. I met kind people from my flight there, all the way until I landed back home. I found great places to eat. I stayed busy and even decided not to do some things I had planned because I was tired. Whenever I told someone I was going to NOLA alone they thought I was crazy but not once did I feel unsafe. I did get sick my first night, but I got through it.

I say all of this to say, I realized just how great life is on the opposite side of fear and I can't wait for my next solo trip!

Submitted April 05, 2019 at 08:12AM by LaFairee http://bit.ly/2FR739d

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