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Bangladesh: I am having my first solo trip to Bali and I am a nervous wreak I am having my first solo trip to Bali and I am a nervous wreak - Bangladesh

I am having my first solo trip to Bali and I am a nervous wreak

Hello everyone, I am having my first solo trip to Bali in a couple of days. I am both excited and nervous about this trip. This is also my first trip to a place I don’t know anyone. I usually travel with friends who usually do the research and planning on where to visit and where to stay. I am overwhelmed with how to prepare as I have no idea on where to start from. Part of me wants to just go with the tide without any preparations and live in the moment. Any pointers on what to do as a solo traveler especially in Bali? I would like to experience the culture and nature. Thank you

Submitted May 17, 2018 at 09:58AM by snabwire https://ift.tt/2k3rtRL

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