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Bangladesh: Has technology changed the hosteling experience or are people just ignorant? Has technology changed the hosteling experience or are people just ignorant? - Bangladesh

Has technology changed the hosteling experience or are people just ignorant?

I've crashed at few hostels recently that, during the week, have an older crowd staying there. Usually these are folks who are looking for work in the area or trying to find an apartment. Twice now, though, I've had a pretty negative experience with mid-50's men who seem very jaded.

The mostly memorable occurred when I was staying at a place in Galway on a Tuesday night. Needless to say, it was pretty dead. The combined kitchen/common/dining room was sparse and cold - maybe 4 people were sitting around at different tables on their laptops or tablets.

Maybe 20 mins after I had sat down, an older guy loudly said "Well this is just fucking awesome". Everyone else ignored him, so I just said "I'm sorry - what's up?" and he went on about how everyone was on their "devices" and how the world was changing and he was being left behind. So I talked to him for a solid 20 mins before getting back to work on my laptop. The guy was strange in general, and we had absolutely nothing in common. But I felt bad for him.

With that said, what are people's thoughts on "working hours" when staying in a hostel? I work remotely (which is a recent advent in the world of professions), so when I'm on my laptop - it's actually work. I have absolutely no problem with it, but it seems some people have negative connotations with folks sitting around on their "devices".

I'm more than happy to join in on conversations happening around me while working, and I've seen most others do the same. Do other hostelers think that having a laptop open means that a person is being asocial? Do you go out of your way to let people know that you're open to chatting while working? Do you think it's rude to be chilling out on tech while in a common room?

Submitted May 04, 2018 at 11:55AM by UrbanPlandrew https://ift.tt/2HOteAO

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