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Bangladesh: Is self-actualization a decent reason to travel? Is self-actualization a decent reason to travel? - Bangladesh

Is self-actualization a decent reason to travel?

Hello, I'm thinking of doing my first solo trek of about 5 weeks in Germany, Czechia, Poland and Hungary this summer. Of course I want to see the world, hit the clubs and explore but I also want to grow as a person. While I am a bit introverted and fervently enjoy solitude, I also want to learn how to push my comfort zone, meet new people and generally become more resourceful and confident. Are these decent reasons to solo-travel, or have you all found that travelling has not had a transformative effect? Thanks for any of your feedback!

Submitted February 19, 2018 at 11:59PM by tomandluce http://ift.tt/2CxXyYN

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