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Bangladesh: Looking for a buddy Looking for a buddy - Bangladesh

Looking for a buddy

Hello Reddit! I want to solo travel. BUT, I am as young as a solo traveler could get. ...

I will be completely done with HS this December (I’m graduating early) and I literally just turned 18 November 6th. I’m 5’2 and way 99 pounds. I just feel very young, and small. My goal is to solo travel to South East Asia. Within the next 6 months for about a month. The problem is that I am absolutely terrified to navigate by myself for my first trip. I’m confused if I should continue doing this by myself, or if I should plan my first international trip with somebody else,(preferably with someone who’s on the same boat as me. ) until I get the hang of the ropes. Any opinions on what I should do? Is there anyone out there that would be willing to jump into a whole new world with me to help each other out.

Submitted November 17, 2017 at 07:51PM by lujaannnn http://ift.tt/2zQHFwR

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